Spiritual Inspiration World articles by Beverly Goldsmith Christian Science practitioner and teacher
Find spiritual inspiration in world articles by Beverly, about climate change, floods, fire, slavery, refugees, race relationships, terrorism, racism, corruption, genocide, and vision for the future. Published on spirituality.com, The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, The Christian Science Monitor newspaper, and The Herald of Christian Science language magazines.
Read World Language Articles in Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Türkçe, Hindi – हिन्दी, Suomi, Italiano, Indonesia, Nederlands, Dansk, Norsk, Ελληνικά, Japanese 日本語
What’s your vision for the year 2020? – your ideas are needed
My vote for democracy
Toward a certain future – is the world ending?
How will you respond to the news?
Needed: accountability
Active prayer can transform communities
Secure in your home and at the Olympics
Climate / drought / floods / cyclone / tsunami / fire
Prayers that comfort and care – published in The Christian Science Monitor: A Christian Science spiritual perspective. By Beverly Goldsmith. Audio read by Beverly
Prayers for the planet– published in The Christian Science Monitor: A Christian Science spiritual perspective. By Beverly Goldsmith. Audio read by Beverly
Climate change – Christian Science Sentinel April 16, 2007
Prayer for Restoration in Australia – Sentinel Audio Chat with Beverly. February 12, 2009 responding to the needs of Australians affected by destructive bush fires. This lively chat was attended by people around the world. Transcript : Prayer for Restoration in Australia
God provides abundantly – even in a drought
Australia just a prayer away – drought
Prayer for Brisbane, Queensland 2011 floods
Out of disaster: a new sense of community
Prayer for Queensland flood recovery
Prayer for flood affected school children – back to school
Prayer for Pacific Islands- sea-level Tuvalu/torrential rain/flooding
Trauma in the tsunami aftermath: there is a way out
To comfort those touched by the tsunami
Combating compassion fatigue in times of crisis
Canberra firestorm and the demand to care
My prayer for Myanmar
Violence / crime / racism / refugees / hostages / terrorism
Prayer instead of violence
What can we do about violence
Courage – to fight crime
Race riots and brotherly love
Healing racism
Are you racially prejudiced?
Going home by the Rabbit-proof Fence – Aboriginal Stolen Generations
You can help refugees here and now
What I learned about praying for hostages
Why my prayer for Bali includes everyone – even the terrorists
Recovering without revenge
My proactive prayer about terrorism
Slavery / corruption / genocide
Worldwide crisis Prayers needed – ending slavery
How I pray about corruption in the Philippines
Sudan and the value of one – Genocide
Christmas / Easter / Church
What Christmas means to me – unwrapping God’s steadfast care
Easter gladness, not sadness
What does Easter mean to you?
A time to be glad about life
How I study the Bible Lesson – and put it into practice
A feeling of fellowship – friendship, family
SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION WORLD LANGUAGE ARTICLES in Deutsch, Francais, Español, Português, Türkçe, Hindi – हिन्दी, Suomi, Italiano, Indonesia, Nederlands, Dansk, Norsk, Ελληνικά, Japanese 日本語
Die Macht des Gebets
Gebet für das Klima macht Sinn?
Himmel — jetzt!
Wie soll ich antworten?
Was bedeutet Ihnen Ostern
Sklaverei weltweit bekampfen
Freude zu Ostern nicht Traurigkeit
Wie aus einem Störenfried ein Freund wird
Der Raumanzug
Was wir brauchen ist: Verantwortlichkeit
Was tun bei Ungerechtigkeit?
Australische Flut: Es ist nicht zu spät zu beten
Was ist Gott?
¿El Cielo está aquí?
Como responderia usted?
Protegidas ante un tremor repentino
Que significa para usted la Pascua?
Elevemos el estado de alerta de nuestra oración
Tenemos la capacidad que necesitamos
Sobrevivieron a la caída de la Bolsa
Mosquitos inofensivos
Seguro en mi traje espacial
Alegría durante la Pascua, no tristeza
Con las olimpiadas bajo la lupa
Seguro en su casa y en las olimpiadas
El poder de la oración
Tu peux reussir!
La prière contre la sécheresse
Quand et comment prier?
Comment reagir
Memoire defaillante? Se ressourcer en Dieu
Que signifie Paques pour vous?
Un nouvel ami
Prendre position
Pâques: l’allégresse, non la tristesse
Le pouvoir protecteur de l’Amour divin
Comme dans la combinaison d’un astronaute
Un sentiment de fraternité
Qui prendra soin de moi?
Trouver un toit
Moi, j’aurais tendance à critiquer?
Comment réagir à l’injustice?
Dieu pourvoit, même en période de sécheresse
Ménopause: Prière à un tournant de la vie
Prier quotidiennement pour être en bonne santé
Qu’est-ce que Dieu?
Momentos de esquecimento ou de espiritualidade com Deus?
O que e Deus?
Voce tem a capacidade necessaria
Não é preciso ser uma supermulher!
O paraíso — agora!
O bem permanente na vida é meu bilhete premiado
Uma dádiva constante: o cuidado divino
Qual é sua visão para 2020?
O que fazer sobre a injustiça
É preciso orar pelas inundações na Austrália e no mundo
Quem irá cuidar de mim?
A cura metafísica — Uma atitude mental
Mosquitos inofensivos
A roupa espacial
É saudável conversar sobre doenças?
Hindi – हिन्दी
मेरी देखभाल कौन करेगा?
Bagaimana anda akan menanggapinya?
Wat is uw reactie?
Hvordan vil du reagere?
Hvordan vil du reagere?
Πώς θα αντιδρούσατε
Japanese 日本語
How will you respond? あなたは、どのように応えますか?